Friday, October 29, 2010

IDF Patient Education Meetings Throughout the Country!

IDF Patient Education Meeting

Join us for a one-day educational meeting presented for individuals, families and health professionals. IDF’s Local Patient Meetings offer an introduction to IDF, and feature local immunologists and allergists addressing the treatment and management of primary immunodeficiency diseases. These meetings are the perfect occasion for patients and families to meet and share ideas.

Meetings are happening soon in different locations throughout the country! RSVPs seem to be required 3 days in advance, so go to the website and find one in your area. (Sorry, I didn't realize that one happened yesterday, but others will be happening Nov 6th and later).

The meeting was great! It turned out that my specialist was the guest speaker, and it was great to meet other CVID patients in my area. My doctor spoke about the various problems that CVID and PIDD patients encounter, different conditions associated with the disease, and the genetics involved. I video taped a lot of her presentation, but I wasn't feeling strong enough to hold my phone up to record, so the video isn't great, and the main reason to "watch" it would be to hear the information. However; I didn't get her permission to release it online, so I will have to do that before posting it here. If I'm unable to get her permission, I may be able to transcribe some of it. 

The IDF invited representatives from pharmaceutical companies who had free gifts for attendees. Some of the things they gave away were visors, water bottles, pens, thermometers, and antibacterial hand sanitizer. In addition, the IDF representative provided pamphlets and books with information about PIDD, including a children's booklet that is very informative. I believe these books and pamphlets can be ordered from the IDF at the their website (see my reference page). 

The meeting included a buffet continental breakfast as well as lunch. All in all it was a very enjoyable and educational experience, and I'm very glad I went!

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