Friday, October 1, 2010

Hizentra Day!!

I woke up this morning and remembered that Accredo had sent me a box of latex gloves, so I called the number that they gave me (where I'd talked to the nurse coordinator), and asked them if the nurse could bring a box of latex-free gloves. The nurse coordinator actually answered the phone directly and told me that my nurse was reading my chart last night and noticed that I'm allergic to latex and decided to bring me some non-latex gloves of her own accord. I thought that was so cool! :)

I also asked about pre-meds since no one had mentioned them and I wasn't sure whether I should take anything before the nurse arrives. They told me that the nurse would have me take a Benadryl 30 minutes before we start the actual treatment, and that she would tell me when to do it. For my IVIG I currently get 50mg of Hydrocortisone, 25mg IV Benadryl, and 0.5mg Clonazepam, so it will be interesting to see how this goes with only Benadryl. They told me to go ahead and take Ibuprofen or some other painkiller, but I'm not supposed to take them due to stomach issues and drug interactions, so I'm just going to see how it goes without. I have had a headache all morning though, so I might give in and take something.

The nurse coordinator has called twice to tell me that my nurse will be later than expected. I don't mind, since she's helping someone else, and I know I don't want to be rushed through my treatment so I can't get upset about her not rushing someone else's. I also planned in advance to take the whole day off of work, so I don't have any pressures.


  1. You are allergic to latex? Sometimes I wonder how one get to know that he or she is allergic to something. I mean apart from sneezing. I do that a lot around lanterns and rugs. I feel my chest burning anytime I eat beans or a Nigerian soap called Okra. Is that some kind of allergy?

    Anyway, keep up the good work. Your posts, especially the first, are inspiring. Would pass the message long.

  2. I often have breathing trouble (shortness of breath, wheezing, etc), rash, and itching that come on within a short time of exposure to whatever I'm allergic to. The burning chest feeling could well be an allergy. If I were you, I'd limit exposure to those items...and you may be allergic to dust (rugs), and have some kind of intolerance of whatever fuel the lanterns are burning. Those are just guesses, but it might be worth having allergy tests to find out for sure.

    Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it! :)
