Friday, March 12, 2010

Went Out With Friends...

One of my best friends from out of state has been in town this last week, and I went out to dinner with her and a bunch of friends last night. After dinner we went to a pool hall, and I didn't play, just sat on a chair the whole time we were there and chatted. I wore a mask constantly except when I was eating at the restaurant. 
By the end of the night I felt completely exhausted. I had a bit of a physical melt-down where I got chills and started shaking uncontrollably. I went to bed, but felt like I didn't rest well, and I woke up too early this morning. I tried to go back to sleep, but after an hour or 2 without luck I got up and started working. I owed work 4 hours due to doctors appointments. 
After work, Mom took me to pick my kitty up from the vet's, and when we got home I was so exhausted that I tried to sleep again. No luck! I was supposed to go to see my friend again tonight, just to hang out at the house, but I'm too tired and I don't feel good.
On top of the exhaustion I have a headache, bit of sore throat and feel generally achy. Guess I overdid it last night...I wouldn't think that just sitting and talking would take so much out of me! We were out for a total of 4 hours. If I can't handle 4 hours of just sitting and talking, I'm not sure I can handle going in to the office either!

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