Friday, March 26, 2010

Third IVIG Treatment

IVIG Treatment #3
Friday, March 26, 2010 
Today I had my 3rd IVIG treatment. I went in at 9:30 and left at 2:30 PM. I had no bad reactions except before they started the medication I had a reaction that I had never seen before to either the Benadryl or Saline. My veins turned scarlet--you could even see the red through the paper tape! The red was darkest near my wrist where they inserted the IV, but I had streaks following the veins up to my elbow, and it hurt a bit. The nurse said that it was an indication of irritation to the surface veins, and after she gave me the hydrocortisone shot that I was going to get anyway, the redness went away and the burning stopped. I was very sleepy at the time, so it didn't phase me too much. My personal theory is that the reaction was caused by the IV needle going into my vein at the inner side of my wrist. I've never had an IV there before, and it was quite painful going in.
I fully intended to sleep, but mom found donuts in the infusion center, so I had one w/ a cup of real coffee, and the sugar/caffeine combo woke me up. I ended up staying awake and watching a movie with my mom. When the movie was over, mom read to me for a few minutes, then it was time to go home. After getting back home I had some lunch and then napped for about an hour. My wrist still hurts/stings a bit. I feel pretty good at the minute, but I'm trying to not overdo it...that's kind of like telling the wind not to blow. Anyway, just wanted to write a quick update, then I'm getting back in bed.
2 days after 3rd IVIG treatment
I'm feeling weak and tired still. I had hoped to feel more energy by now, but maybe I noticed it so much after that first treatment because I was so low when I started. I slept 12-13 hours last night, and am getting ready to get back in bed again now (I've been up 2 hours). I think that if I don't feel well enough to go in to the office this week that I'll talk to my doctor about going on short-term disability. It's just so hard to get my hours in every week, and I'm truly afraid that if I don't either get in to the office soon or go on disability I'll get laid off in May. I hate worrying about financial stuff when I'm in this condition. I think I'll try to just put it out of my mind for now, and trust that everything will work out. 

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