Gammagard S/D--A brand of IgG therapy normally administered as IVIG, but can also be administered as SubQ
Hizentra--A brand of SubQ IgG therapy made by CSL Behring
IgA: Immunglobulin A--The class of antibodies that is involved with defending your body through tears, saliva, etc. If you have low IgA along with CVID, you may have problems with some brands of IVIG
IgG: Immunoglobulin G--The class of antibody that helps fight off infections, and is the only antibody that modern technology can currently replace. This has been described to me as the body's long-term memory for things like immunizations.
IgE: Immunglobulin E--The class of antibodies that is involved with allergies. Generally if a person has a high IgE, then they won't have allergies. However; my IgE is very low, I don't respond to allergy tests much at all, yet I still react to the things that I was allergic to before my immune system crashed.
IgM: Immunoglobulin M--I'm not sure what this class of antibodies does in the body. Will have to investigate.
IVIG: Intravenous Immunoglobulin--A form of treatment for CVID and other diseases as well. It is an IV that delivers antibodies to our bodies to help us be able to fight off infections. Ideally this treatment should be administered every 3-4 weeks without interruption for the rest of a patient's life.
Infusion--Introduction of a substance directly into a vein or tissue by gravity flow.
PIDD: Primary Immunodeficiency Disease--The category of diseases that CVID falls into. There are other diseases that involve the immune system in this category. CVID is just the most common one.
Premeds--The medications that your doctor will have you take before a treatment to help prevent side effects and allergic reactions.
SubQ/SCIG: Sub-cutaneous Immunoglobulin--Similar to IVIG in that it is a form of IgG replacement therapy except that rather than being in IV form, you administer it to yourself with tiny needles that only go into the fat layer under your skin.
Vivaglobulin: A brand of SubQ IgG therapy made by CSL Behring
Reading List:
I have found that making changes to my diet has had a positive impact on my health. Here are some books that have helped me:
Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman:
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross: