Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Visit to the Pulmonologist

I went to the pulmonologist today and mentioned that I feel like I'm starting to come down with something. He asked me what my symptoms are, and I told him I feel a bit congested in my chest, I'm spitting up yellow/brownish phlegm in the morning, I have an urge to cough but am not coughing much yet, and I'm exhausted. Based on those symptoms and the fact that I need to avoid getting any more lung damage,  he prescribed a 10-day course of antibiotics for me. Unfortunately, it's one of those antibiotics that requires avoidance of all calcium and magnesium, so I have to quit all vitamins for 10 days because the warning on the label says "Do not take antacids Iron, or Vitamins/Mineral Supplements within 8 hours before and 4 hours after this medicine". I expect I'll be really tired without my vitamins!

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