I had a smooth infusion today. My doctor asked the infusion nurses to give me the hydrocortisone before the Benadryl to prevent the strange reaction I had yesterday. I had no reactions, and slept for the first 3.5 hours of the treatment. The entire thing only took 4.5 hours...my fastest yet!
I slept 3 more hours after having lunch when I got home. and after I woke up I had the sudden hunger that I always seem to get after my treatments. I had a healthy dinner and raspberries for a snack, and I actually feel ok and have a little bit of energy. It's kind of encouraging! I'm not holding my breath on the next few days being great, but I'll take it one day at a time. I have a headache and body aches, but they're minor. I think I'll take a little Benadryl tonight.