The "Joys" of CVID

I need to learn how to have fun again.
Friday, September 3, 2010 
I realized last night that somewhere during the last 5 years I've lost the ability to just be goofy and have fun. First I was  diagnosed with epilepsy, then finding out I have a genetic disease (CVID) that makes me sick all of the's good to know why I've been sick my whole life, but  add work stress and normal day-to-day stresses in there, and I lost a major part of me. I want that back! I want to be goofy and laugh and joke and have fun! I don't even really know where to start, or how to go about this, but I want to start on a quest to bring more fun and happiness into my life.

I have frown lines now and lines from crying on my face. I look worried all of the time, and I cry at the drop of a hat some days. I have a beautiful butterfly on my wall to remind me that this is temporary and I'll come out the other side of all of this grief as a better and stronger person, but I think that it's more than time to become the butterfly!

Asthma trouble...
Monday, September 13, 2010
I've been having a lot of asthma trouble for the last week or 2. I'll get it under control, then walk or talk or whatever, and it gets out of control again. It's got a lot to do with why I've been having trouble sleeping too.
The pulmonologist's assistant just called to say they're calling in a prescription for steroids...I'll be able to breathe again, but I'm going to be on steroids and PMS-ing...what fun! Innocent 
 My pulmonologist is the only doctor who doesn't treat me like a hypochondriac when I'm having trouble breathing. Other doctors do because my O2 sat. is 99%, and my peak flow is generally over 500 even when I am short of breath. I'm not sure whether it's truly asthma that's causing the shortness of breath, or if it's the bronchiectasis (lung damage). Either way, he takes it seriously, and I appreciate that tremendously.
My asthma is also worse at night, and it's been worse over the last few weeks than it has been in months. It almost feels like there's a vacuum inside my chest slowly suffocating me.

I started the prednisone today: 40 mg/day for 3 days, then tapering off. I hope it doesn't cause a bad reaction.

Prednisone does not like me  
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 
I'm such a mess. I can't think coherently, feel half-asleep after 10 hours of sleep, and am having a hard time making sense of anything. I feel like crying and screaming and tearing my hair out. I'm trying very hard to not be nasty to anyone. I feel so angry and there's no reason for it! I know it's the prednisone. I took a whole (0.5mg) Clonazepam, and I really hope it kicks in soon. I feel absolutely nuts and I know I need to be on the prednisone, because breathing is more important than my mental state...isn't it? I'm trying to work from home but I can't concentrate, and I'm asking stupid questions of my co-workers. I feel like an idiot. Mom keeps telling me to rest, and she's right, I need to, but I can't rest and get my 9-hours of work in, so I'm pushing through. I just needed to vent, I know some of you have similar experiences on prednisone, so I know you'll understand. I'm trying to just bide my time, not start any serious life-changing conversations, not make any big decisions, and just know that in a few days I'll be off of it and hopefully I'll be back in control of my brain and body then. I just wish I could go live in a cave until then...have no one around whose feelings I can hurt, and be able to scream and cry all I want without scaring anyone.

It Could be Funny...
My experience with SubQ is that it causes pretty extreme gas when the infusion is done in the belly. I became so  bloated during the infusion that by the time it was done I looked pregnant. I think next time maybe I'll take some Gas-X in advance. I don't know whether it would happen when done in other parts of the body. I'm sure I'll find out from experience.